be easy.
take your time.
you are coming
to yourself.
- Nayyirah Waheed
I work from a humanistic perspective, rooted in the belief that individuals are inherently motivated towards health and well-being. From a place of self-compassion and vulnerability, I believe meaningful, lasting change is always possible.
I am honored to support your unique and perfect unfolding.
“Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves.”
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Why therapy?
I view therapy as an opportunity for growth and healing. Though it requires commitment and courage, therapy also invites spaciousness and the freedom to imagine a life of greater depth and meaning.
I work with individuals utilizing a systemic lens, taking into account familial, cultural, and societal influences that have shaped one’s identity. Working collaboratively, I help clients identify and clarify core values while exploring ways in which to live in greater alignment with these ideals. I encourage mindfulness, self-compassion and a gentle awareness of the messiness of being human.
Disordered Eating
I am particularly called to work with adolescents and adults struggling with disordered eating, body image dissatisfaction, and the underlying feelings of shame, fear, and unworthiness that often accompany eating disorders. We will work together to move toward a trust-based relationship with food, your body, and your emotions.
From a feminist perspective, I help women identify limiting beliefs, narratives, and stories that have led to a feeling of “stuckness,” or prevented the realization of a full, whole-hearted self. My greatest honor as a therapist is accompanying women in their journey home to themselves.

“The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change.”
— Carl Rogers